Thursday, May 14, 2015

Spring clean your health (no actual cleaning necessary!):

It’s spring and with the warmer weather comes a feeling of new beginnings and starting fresh. Now is an ideal time to toss out the unhealthy old habits and start living the kind of lifestyle that will leave you revitalized and energized! We've got some essential ways to help you kick your healthy habits up a notch.

1. Eat MORE! (Fruits and vegetables that is!) 
Instead of always focusing on cutting calories, take a different approach and start by adding more fruits and vegetables to your current diet. Besides reaping the amazing health benefits of adding an abundance of nutrients to your diet, it will tend to displace other, less healthy foods from the diet. When you make an effort to eating at least 5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruit every day, you’d be surprised how much less room there is in your life for other snacks and junk food.

2. Beware of "hidden" sugars. 
We know that sweetened beverages, baked goods, candy and cereal all contain a ton of added sugar. But there are many hidden sugars added to "healthy" snacks foods, and many other surprising items you might eat every day. You know that yogurt you love for breakfast? The one with the fruit on the bottom? That can contain more than 30 grams of sugar! Some examples of foods with surprising amounts of added sugar include some spaghetti sauces, granola, instant oatmeal, protein bars and many other foods who's manufacturer' claim to fame is "low fat".
Here is a tip: the closer a food is to it's natural form, the less processed sugar it will contain.

3. Make your rest days count with active recovery.
Many people fail to understand that rest/recovery is just as important as working out. Taking an "active rest day" will accelerate your recovery, making you feel faster and stronger when you're back to your regular Body Buster workouts. It will also help you feel less sore and stiff. So, what exactly is Active Rest or Active Recovery? Active recovery focuses on completing a lower intensity workout, but just high enough that it gets the blood moving and helps decrease the left over fatigue in the muscle. Rest days should consist of light cardio with little to no strength training. Some suggestions for your rest day are: Going for a hike, walk or jog, doing some bodyweight exercises such as air squats, light jump-rope or getting outdoors for a bike-ride. 

4. Increase your fiber intake for more energy.
Fibre has a time-release effect on carbohydrates allowing them to enter your bloodstream at a more slow and steady pace, thus maintaining your energy for a longer period of time. Aim to consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day, filling your plate with fruits, vegetables and whole grains, as well as reading labels on your everyday food products and choosing food items with the most fiber.

5. Plan your day ahead.
Invest in a datebook or calendar and plan out the day ahead so that most of your decisions are made for you ahead of time. This can include workouts, meals, goals, rest days and other healthy activities. Some studies have shown that the more decisions we are forced to make in a day, the more we drain our willpower reserves. One of the reasons why so many people are successful with the Body Buster Program is that they have committed to work out on specific days at specific times. It is on the schedule!

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Register with a Friend! Langley Fitness Bootcamp

There is strength in numbers! Social support can encourage physical activity. Having a buddy (or 2…or 3..!!) makes that support even more personal. 

Kizzy and Leanne ready to work it Body Buster Style in Langley!

3 Reasons to Work out with a friend:

Friendly Competition - that competitive edge (which we all secretly have a bit of) can give you that extra motivation to work out just a little bit harder!

Accountability - although Body Buster Classes promote accountability, having a friend can be an extra motivator to keep you going and stay faithful to your fitness routine.

Fun factor - experiencing the positivity and energy of a Body Buster class together makes it all the more fun!

The Next Body Buster Program Starts March 16th & 17th

Monday, February 9, 2015

Boot Camp Classes in Langley

At Body Buster Fitness Langley we offer several class options! Our memberships encourage accountability while providing flexibility to suit your schedule. 

Morning and evening Body Buster classes are available 5 days per week!

Body Buster Bootcamp® is a motivating style of group fitness. Participants will see positive results comparable to that of having personal training, but at a fraction of the cost. Body Buster® members will see maximum results in a minimum amount of time. Ideal for both women and men, Body Buster Bootcamp® targets all areasof the body through a well-balanced exercise program. This program was created specifically to be flexible and accommodating for all body types and fitness levels while still guaranteeing results.

Find our locations here:

Langley, BC

Walnut Grove: 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

How Do You Stay Fit and Motivated Through "The February Blahs?"

Staying Fit and Motivated Through February

Congratulations! You made it through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years! Although it can feel like a new beginning, the shorter days and cold weather are still here…total motivation killers! There is something about February being the shortest month and it’s placement between the dead of winter and Spring that leads to feelings of moodiness, sickness and overall “blah-ness”. While every cell in your body may be trying to convince you to get in bed and stay there until May, following this instinct will only increase the “blahs”..

Read the rest here:

Indoor Bootcamps with Body Buster Fitness®

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Training For An Obstacle Race Event or Marathon?

Training For Your Race Event
There are so many great race events out there these days! There are short ones, long ones, extreme ones…it seems like there’s something for everybody! Events like marathons and extreme obstacle courses are great ways to challenge yourself to train and cross the finish line. What you need to know is that these races will test and challenge your body, so you’d better prepare!….

Congratulations Linda - Bootcamper of the Program!

Linda - Langley/Surrey

"Body Buster they took me to a whole new level I did not know I could reach. I have stopped my meds. I've become stronger in every aspect of my life. I’ve even done the Grouse Grind, something I never imagined I could do."

A friend invited me to come and try a free class in Nov. 2013. I signed up for a month to see if I would continue to like it. Well by January I was hooked! Now I've signed up for a year at a time. I am committed and loving it. 

What I liked about the program is the variety. I do get bored easily. It's very true "no 2 classes are alike". When I get to class all I know is how good I'll feel when I'm done. A very nice fatigue in all my muscles. I'm not sure exactly lbs or inches I've lost but I do know I'm down a size and my shape has change dramatically (I have ribs and a waist again). My pant legs are now loose instead of skin tight.

I love going to Body Buster classes because our trainer is amazing. She is extremely motivating, caring and kind, never judgemental.  She shares modifications of each exercise, whether easier or harder, it's your choice how hard you can work.  I always feel good about my efforts.

I have challenges some days. I feel so much stronger and in less pain because of boot camp. It's a gradual change. I do feel much happier, more consistently positive, and stronger overall.  Body Buster keeps me level and my diet is now more healthy choices. 
When I turned 50 years old I got asthma, arthritis and full blown menopause. I gained the weight, use the puffers, took the pain killers. After 5 years I knew I did not want to live my life sick. I've always been a believer that diet and exercise could cure most ailments.  I did my research and learned what not to eat and what exercise I should do. When I joined Body Buster they took me to a whole new level I did not know I could reach. I have stopped my meds. I've become stronger in every aspect of my life. I’ve even done the Grouse Grind, something I never imagined I could do.

I've been athletic most of my life, but I've never experienced anything like this. The total feeling of wellness. Strong mind and body. No matter your weight or health you will gain a feeling of overall wellness when you commit to your health and join Body Buster Fitness. See you there! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

You’re busy? Get in line!

We Are ALL Busy!
Everyone seems to know by now that maintaining an active lifestyle should be near the top of our priority list in life. Only by taking care of ourselves do we stand a chance of being the kind of person we aim to be on the job, at home with our families, and in our communities. But it’s not easy. It can be hard to motivate yourself to work out even during the best of times. Even when you have no outside stresses, obligations, or any other sort of excuse. When you add kids, high stress jobs and and our ever increasing fast paced lifestyles to the mix, it makes finding the time and motivation to work out even more challenging.