Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Training For An Obstacle Race Event or Marathon?

Training For Your Race Event
There are so many great race events out there these days! There are short ones, long ones, extreme ones…it seems like there’s something for everybody! Events like marathons and extreme obstacle courses are great ways to challenge yourself to train and cross the finish line. What you need to know is that these races will test and challenge your body, so you’d better prepare!….

Congratulations Linda - Bootcamper of the Program!

Linda - Langley/Surrey

"Body Buster they took me to a whole new level I did not know I could reach. I have stopped my meds. I've become stronger in every aspect of my life. I’ve even done the Grouse Grind, something I never imagined I could do."

A friend invited me to come and try a free class in Nov. 2013. I signed up for a month to see if I would continue to like it. Well by January I was hooked! Now I've signed up for a year at a time. I am committed and loving it. 

What I liked about the program is the variety. I do get bored easily. It's very true "no 2 classes are alike". When I get to class all I know is how good I'll feel when I'm done. A very nice fatigue in all my muscles. I'm not sure exactly lbs or inches I've lost but I do know I'm down a size and my shape has change dramatically (I have ribs and a waist again). My pant legs are now loose instead of skin tight.

I love going to Body Buster classes because our trainer is amazing. She is extremely motivating, caring and kind, never judgemental.  She shares modifications of each exercise, whether easier or harder, it's your choice how hard you can work.  I always feel good about my efforts.

I have challenges some days. I feel so much stronger and in less pain because of boot camp. It's a gradual change. I do feel much happier, more consistently positive, and stronger overall.  Body Buster keeps me level and my diet is now more healthy choices. 
When I turned 50 years old I got asthma, arthritis and full blown menopause. I gained the weight, use the puffers, took the pain killers. After 5 years I knew I did not want to live my life sick. I've always been a believer that diet and exercise could cure most ailments.  I did my research and learned what not to eat and what exercise I should do. When I joined Body Buster they took me to a whole new level I did not know I could reach. I have stopped my meds. I've become stronger in every aspect of my life. I’ve even done the Grouse Grind, something I never imagined I could do.

I've been athletic most of my life, but I've never experienced anything like this. The total feeling of wellness. Strong mind and body. No matter your weight or health you will gain a feeling of overall wellness when you commit to your health and join Body Buster Fitness. See you there! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

You’re busy? Get in line!

We Are ALL Busy!
Everyone seems to know by now that maintaining an active lifestyle should be near the top of our priority list in life. Only by taking care of ourselves do we stand a chance of being the kind of person we aim to be on the job, at home with our families, and in our communities. But it’s not easy. It can be hard to motivate yourself to work out even during the best of times. Even when you have no outside stresses, obligations, or any other sort of excuse. When you add kids, high stress jobs and and our ever increasing fast paced lifestyles to the mix, it makes finding the time and motivation to work out even more challenging.